Personal Finance In Real Life

  • How to set the right financial goals for you

  • Everything you need to know about investing

  • Insurance basics - what it is, how it works, what you need

  • Budgeting to make progress, have fun, and flex with life’s curveballs

Values & Money

  • Identify your core values

  • Develop and prioritize goals aligned with your values

  • How to use your values in the financial decision-making process

  • Effective strategies for making progress that balance enjoying life today and saving for tomorrow

Personal Finance for Freelancers & Solopreneurs

  • How to make consistent progress with inconsistent income

  • Income tax basics

  • How to set business goals to reach your personal goals

  • Balancing savings, debt reduction, taxes, insurance and investing

  • Choosing a retirement plan for your business

Women & Money

  • Identify and reflect on the season you’re in and how that shapes what financial success looks like for you

  • Learn the unique risks women face financially and how to overcome them

  • Learn effective strategies for finding balance in your finances

Money for Millennials

  • Why your finances are both easier and harder now than they’ll ever be in your life

  • Learn where to focus your time and effort both now and at key milestones in the future

Shifting your Mindset from Paraplanner to Planner (Financial Services Industry Specific)

  • Moving beyond developing the advice to delivering (and selling) it

  • Shifting your communication with clients from gathering data to building connections

Custom PresentationS

  • Natalie can create custom content to fit the unique needs of your audience